Sunday, July 24, 2005

Radio Station Does Focus on Sexual Violence Awareness

A radio station, Cool 104.7, located in White County, is doing their part in keeping "track" of sexual predators.
Cool 104.7 Owner Ken Madden sits at the radio station Friday. Madden is organizing a week of radio programs and announcements dealing with the sex offender situation in White County and around the nation. (Greg Benenati)

One Searcy business owner is doing what he can to raise child predator awareness in White County.

Ken Madden, owner and general manager of SBI Radio, which broadcasts Cool 104.7 and 1350 AM La Konsentida, has organized ten days to be devoted to the subject of sexual predators.

The business, in partnership with Central Arkansas Hospital and White County Medical Center, will focus on ways to educate the public on how to protect children from sexual abuse.

From July 25 through August 5, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9-9:30 a.m., Cool 104.7 will broadcast "Know Your Neighbors" segments featuring interviews with Arkansans working to end sexual violence and child abduction in the state.

"A lot of things are coming out about sexual predators that have been reactive," Madden said. Madden, who has two children of his own, said one reason he came to the decision to develop an event like this was the fact that these crimes do not just happen in the bigger cities, and that sexual predators are also found in small towns across the nation.

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