Monday, September 19, 2005

Canadian Priest Admits To More Sexual Abuse

On, a report was published today in regards to a Canadian priest with a history of sexual abuse.  He served a prison term in Quebec, Canada and then moved to France to be a priest there.  He was then arrested in France for sexual abuse of minors.  Here is what he had to say:

"I take responsibility for what has happened," said Vadeboncoeur at the opening of the trial. "Now, I must accept and assume the consequence of my acts."

The victim, now 30, came forward to bishop Jacques David in 2000. The assaults took place in the Normandy village of Lieurey from February 1990 to August 1993.

I feel sorry for both men.  Someone was not provided with the help he needed and it put another (several) in harms way.


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